Birmingham Zoo
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Support Your Zoo's Animals

Your donation to the Birmingham Zoo helps provide food, specialized medical attention, and excellent care to our animal family. 

Please choose your donation amount below.

Gifts of all sizes are important and make a tremendous difference.

If you are able, please donate today! 

This information does not constitute legal or tax advice. Please seek the services of a professional for assistance in specific cases.

Personal Information gathered by our organization is kept in confidence. We uphold high standards in maintaining data accuracy and ensuring the appropriate use of information.  Your Birmingham Zoo does not sell donor data.

Thank you for your gift in helping the Birmingham Zoo to continue to further its mission! If you have questions concerning donations, or if you would like to learn more about the many opportunities that we offer to further support the Zoo, please contact our Development Office at [email protected] or (205) 909-4562

Choose your gift frequency below: one-time donation, monthly recurring, quarterly recurring, or yearly recurring, then select or enter your gift amount.

$10.00 donation $10.00
$25.00 donation $25.00
$50.00 donation $50.00
$100 donation $100.00
$250 donation $250.00
$500 donation $500.00
$1,000 donation $1000.00
$5,000 donation $5000.00